21 research outputs found

    Dialectology in Practice: Notes from Fieldwork in Gozo

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    The present paper summarizes the fieldwork experience of Maria Lipnicka and Maciej Klimiuk in Gozo, Malta, by reflecting on issues of field research methodology, technology and innovation in order to initiate a discussion on these factors in Semitic dialectology. Most of the paper is dedicated to fieldwork methodology understood as soft skills and includes outlines that the authors applied themselves and found effective. The authors discuss some technological intricacies and describe their ‘off-field’ research for innovative frameworks, both analytical and theoretical, that would fit the fieldwork data and vice versa

    Third Person Masculine Singular Pronominal Suffix -hne (-hni) in Syrian Arabic Dialects and its Hypothetical Origins

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    The third person singular pronominal suffix -hne (-hni) was registered in the Arabic dialects of Latakia (Syria), Antakya and Samandaǧ (both of which are in the Turkish province Hatay). This rare suffix is primarily attached to words ending with vowels, and its appearance is marginal. This paper presents the pronominal suffixes of the dialect of Latakia attached to words ending with consonants and vowels, along with the pronominal suffix -hne (-hni), and all registered words which contain it. In conclusion I will discuss the possible origin of the suffix and -hne (-hni) and Werner Arnold’s hypothesis concerning the origin of the pronominal suffix -hne (-hni) in light of a synchronic interpretation based on the research data gathered by the author in Latakia

    The Particle rā- in Libyan Arabic Dialects (with Emphasis on the Arabic Dialect of Msallāta)

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    Geheime talen en woorden: het 'gay Arabisch' in Syrië

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    The Folktale of Saint George and il-Xiឍir: A Text in Christian Arabic of is-SwaydÄ« (Samandağ) in the Turkish Hatay Province

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    This article presents a text in Christian Arabic, a dialect used by a small community in the town of is-Swaydī (Samandağ), in Hatay Province, Turkey. The recorded text refers to the figure of il-XidÌŁir whose pilgrimage site is located in Samandağ. Christians believe that il-XidÌŁir and Saint George are the same person. Apart from the transcription of the text, this article includes its translation and grammatical commentary focused on vowels, pausal forms, and assimilations

    Semitic Dialects and Dialectology

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    Characterised by the multiplicity and diversity of research and methodology, the European tradition of Semitic linguistics has always supported fieldwork and highly valued the data obtained in this way as it allows to create an interesting dynamic for linguistic studies itself. In the spirit of this tradition and to uphold it, the present book is a collection of articles based on data gathered primarily during field research expeditions. The volume is divided into two parts—Studies on various specific linguistic issues and Texts containing previously unpublished transcriptions of audio recordings in Arabic dialects, Maltese and Jibbali/Shehret.Die europĂ€ische Tradition der semitischen Linguistik, die sich durch Vielfalt der Forschungsmethoden auszeichnet, hat dialektologische Feldforschung immer hoch geschĂ€tzt, da die gewonnenen Sprachaufnahmen im Kontext der Ă€lteren Sprachformen gesetzt werden und somit eine hochgradig interessante Dynamik in der Sprachwissenschaft ermöglichen. Im Geiste dieser Tradition und um sie aufrechtzuerhalten, ist das vorliegende Buch eine Sammlung von Artikeln, deren Daten vor allem wĂ€hrend der Feldforschung gesammelt wurden. Der Band gliedert sich in zwei Teile - Studien zu verschiedenen spezifischen linguistischen Fragestellungen und Texte mit bisher unveröffentlichten Transkriptionen von Audioaufnahmen in arabischen Dialekten, Maltesisch und Jibbali/Shehret